‘Harbingers of the Resurrection’ by Nikolai Ge
10 Ukrainian Castles
"From the 13th century, the territory was widely contested and fought over between Lithuania, Poland, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Russia. A Cossack...
Cossacks’ Songs
The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus Ensemble & the Canadian Bandurist Capella joined together for the first time with their wonderful «Kobzar's Christmas» concert of Ukrainian Christmas music. The...
In antiquity, Ukrainian Snake island had Colossal statue of Apollo on it that was...
The authors of a recent article in The Daily Beast shared an opinion that according to the legends, "Achilles supposedly went mad and killed...
Who really owns borsch – BBC
"The problem with this statement is that Ancient Rus was centred in Kyiv (Kiev in Russian), now the capital of Ukraine. Over the...
Mystery of How Kyiv Shaped Early Christianity in Norway
The third largest Norwegian city is Trondheim. It is best known for being linked to unruly Viking kings but now it turns out to become...
John Steinbeck describes the ruins of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, St. Sophia and sarcophagus of Yaroslav...
"We went from this little plaster city, so new that it has not even been built yet, to the ancient monastery on the cliff....
The Telegraph: Jeff Koon accused of copying Ukrainian artist’s work
William Kurelek & his Ukrainian Maze
Future "Christian mystic, bestselling author and illustrator", William Kurelek was the eldest of the seven children of Ukrainian emmigrant family in northern Alberta and Manitoba. Experience of his...
John Steinbeck on Ukrainian bee farm
"We moved on to a flowered meadow where there were hundreds of beehives, and a little tent where the beekeeper lived. The air was...