Who really owns borsch – BBC

"The problem with this statement is that Ancient Rus was centred in Kyiv (Kiev in Russian), now the capital of...

Odesa, the craddle of Israeli culture, enjoys a Jewish Rennaissance

The history of Odessa is also the history of Tel Aviv. Long before the State of Israel was founded, the...

The Telegraph: Jeff Koon accused of copying Ukrainian artist’s work


John Steinbeck describes the ruins of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, St. Sophia and sarcophagus of Yaroslav...

"We went from this little plaster city, so new that it has not even been built yet, to the ancient monastery...

Mystery of How Kyiv Shaped Early Christianity in Norway

The third largest Norwegian city is Trondheim. It is best known for being linked to unruly Viking kings but now it turns...

William Kurelek & his Ukrainian Maze

Future "Christian mystic, bestselling author and illustrator", William Kurelek was the eldest of the seven children of Ukrainian emmigrant family in northern Alberta and Manitoba....

John Steinbeck on Ukrainian bee farm

"We moved on to a flowered meadow where there were hundreds of beehives, and a little tent where the beekeeper lived....

Ukraine’s Scythian treasures Russia tries to appropriate

"At this moment, a large exhibition with an impressive title “Scythians: warriors of ancient Siberia” is being hosted by the British Museum. The...

This man coined the word “Genocide.” Here is Dr Lemkin’s speech on Holodomor

Rafał Lemkin was a lawyer of Polish-Jewish descent who is best known for coining the word genocide in 1943 or 1944 from genos (Greek for family, tribe, or race) and -cide (Latin for killing)...

During his speech in Kyiv in 1972, President Nixon named Kyiv the “City of...

"As I think of a way to describe our feelings on this occasion, I noted that in history--and this city is...

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