Canadian Spaceport for Ukrainian Rocket Animation
The animation, set with local music, guides the user through the various proposed facilities including the integration of payload on...
Ukraine Prepares To Snub China In Aerospace Deal With U.S. Help – Forbes
Neil Armstrong while in the USSR collected a handful of soil from outside Yuri...
"When American astronaut Neil Armstrong visited the Soviet Union after his historic flight to the Moon, he collected a handful...
Ukraine-engineered most powerful ballistic missile SS-18 was used as Dnieper Rocket to deliver satellites...
R-36 is the world's largest and most dangerous Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) ever built. Solely Ukraine's know-how. Highly accurate guided missiles...
Ukrainian Sergei Korolev the day he was returned to Moscow prison after one year...
The man who would open space to humankind, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, was born on 12 January 1907 (30 Dec 1906 old...
Ukraine Is Building a Spaceplane for…Saudi Arabia?, – Popular Mechanics
‘Ukrainian’ Bohachevsky Function, Apollo-11 Moon Landing and Return to Orbit
One of the most popular posts on Reddit recently with over 50,000 likes was the one in the 'Today I Learned'...
Unfinished AN 225 airplane lies hidden in Kyiv warehouse – CNN
Antonov, however, says finishing the build should be relatively simple.Growing private sector interest in space exploration, tourism and communications --...
The founder of Geosynchronous Communications Satellite industry Joseph V. Charyk was born in Canada to a...
Joseph Vincent Charyk (September 9, 1920 – September 28, 2016) was widely credited as the founder of the geosynchronous communications satellite industry....
Ballistic missiles deployed to Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 were both...
The book 'Rockets and People' is part of the NASA History Series. It was written by the Soviet Academician Boris Chertok....