Gravitational trajectory adopted by Apollo-11 program to reach the Moon is named after a...

New Mexico Museum of Space History: "Yuri Vasilievich Kondratyuk (1897-1942). Born as Aleksandr Shargei, he took a new name to avoid...

Ukraine reactivates unique S-300V1 strategic air defence system

The unique features of S-300V1 air defense system consist in that is the world’s only truly mobile Anti Ballistic Missile...

UK-Ukrainian launch vehicle developer Skyrora to establish smallsat launch site, – SkyNews

"U.K.-based Skyrora has unveiled plans to host a suborbital test flight in the fourth quarter of 2018. As part of its...

How China Used Ukrainian Missiles to Improve Its Own Nuclear Arsenal – National Interest

Given all the different vectors through which rocket and missile technology are flowing from Ukraine to China, it’s reasonable to...

Unfinished AN 225 airplane lies hidden in Kyiv warehouse – CNN

Antonov, however, says finishing the build should be relatively simple.Growing private sector interest in space exploration, tourism and communications --...

Successul launch of LP “VEGA” with Ukrainian engine

"Main engine unit RD-843, incorporated into a liquid propulsion system for the 4th stage of LV “Vega”, was developed by...

Ukraine in Space

Sergei Korolev -  the leading Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer was born in Zhytomir, Ukraine. It is due to his genius,...

The founder of the geosynchronous communications satellite industry and NRO in the USA was...

Joseph Vincent Charyk (September 9, 1920 – September 28, 2016) was widely credited as the founder of the geosynchronous communications satellite industry....

Water ice in the Korolev crater on Mars

"The stunning Korolev crater in the northern lowlands of Mars is filled with ice all year round owing to a trapped layer of...

Ukraine Is Building a Spaceplane for…Saudi Arabia?, – Popular Mechanics


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