Circular city of Baghdad and its predecessors
The picture in the previous article shows how the round city of Baghdad looked in 768 AD after its construction was completed. The city's...
Name of Iraq capital ‘Baghdad’ consists of two words – ‘Bog’ (God) and ‘Dat’...
According to Wikipedia, "the name Baghdad is pre-Islamic, and its origin is disputed. The site where the city of Baghdad developed has been populated...
Russia exhibits stolen artifacts from the famous Kamyana Mohyla in Ukraine
The Russian occupants opened an exhibition in Tauric Chersonesus in Crimea of the artifacts they had stolen from the world-famous Kamyana Mohyla in the...
Circular Settlements of Trypillya Culture 6000 years ago in Ukraine: prototype of Plato’s ideal...
According to Wikipedia, Trypillia culture was a Neolithic–Chalcolithic archaeological culture (c. 5500 to 2750 B.C.) of Eastern Europe... During its middle phase (c. 4000...
Ariadne, Labyrinth dance, spindle-whorls in Scythian tombs
Homer in the Iliad wrote that "Daedalus in Cnossos once contrived; A dancing-floor for fair-haired Ariadne" and scholars are confident that it was the...
Crane Dance and Hyperborean Cult in Ancient Greece
Below are several quotes from the works of Robert Graves: "It is not known what sort of a dance...
‘Monkey and Cranes’ Gold Relief Overlay from Lytoi Scythian Kurgan in Ukraine
The two birds on the plaque were identified as cranes by Gerhard Friedrich Müller (although others see in them herons which is hard to...
‘Battle of Pygmies with Cranes’ theme in the Bosporan Kingdom: Flight of Soul to...
The legend of the Battle of Pygmies with Cranes was very popular in the Bosporan Kingdom in ancient times. As a reminder, the Bosporan...
The Sea Peoples: Birds Followers?
In that short passage in the Iliad about the cranes flying from winter plains to the pigmies in the south there is so much...
Battle of Pygmies and Cranes: Pre-Homeric route from Scythia to Africa
Homer in the Iliad: With shouts the Trojans, rushing from afar, Proclaim their motions, and provoke the war So when inclement winters vex the plain With piercing frosts, or...