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St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv was created in the 11th century to rival Hagia...

"Designed to rival Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Kyiv's Saint-Sophia Cathedral symbolizes the 'new Constantinople', capital of the Christian principality of Kyiv, which was created...

Ukraine’s Pripyat River Is Like A Work of Art From Space

American astronaut Tim Kopra while orbiting Earth as part of an expedition in 2016, made a picture of this amazingly beautiful image of Ukraine’s...

Largest open-air museum in Europe

At the outskirt of Kyiv there is a unique Pyrohiv National Museum of Ukrainian Architecture & Culture which has examples of typical Ukrainian rural dwellings from...

Bees’ survival is crucial for humankind. This single invention started saving bees and made...

"We all depend on the survival of bees,” – states the United Nations explaining the reason for designating May 20 as World’s Bee Day....

Largest Aviation Museum in Eastern Europe

CNN ranked it as # 6 in the WORLD actually. Ahead are only Aviation museums in France (1), UK (1) and the USA (3). "This museum houses one of the world's...

Toughest Open-Air Gym in Europe

It is situated right in the center of Kyiv, on the island amidst Dnieper river which divides Kyiv on two almost equal parts - "left bank Kyiv" and "right...

Kyiv’s Museum of Microminiatures: The Biggest Collection of Tiny Things, – The Daily Beast

"Hidden inside a Kiev religious complex lies the mind-blowing Museum of Microminiatures, which holds ships carved out of gold, books of poetry, and tiny...

Steve Wozniak visits Kyiv. Says one of his 4 life long dreams coming true

"I always knew my last name was Ukrainian", - said the Apple co-founder on arriving to Ukraine's capital together with his wife. "This is one...

Kyiv is the greenest capital city of Europe

"Using a method that processes satellite imagery and detects pixel types, Gärtner has generated the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for 43 of Europe’s...

Best hikes in the world: Ukraine’s Carpatian mountains, – WiredForAdventure

"Stretching from central to eastern Europe and measuring a whopping 932 miles long, the Carpathian Mountain range is the second longest mountain chain on...