Ukrainian Yevdokia Zavaliy, the only Soviet female commander of a Marines platoon during WW2:...
Born in 1924, Yevdokia Zavaliy was raised in a small village in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine, where she worked on a farm. She was brutally exposed...
Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and central Kyiv were blown up by the Soviet sappers
John Steinbeck was deceived – the fact is that Kiev was blown up by the Soviets on September 24-28, 1941, after the Nazis had...
John Steinbeck depicts Kyiv after WW2
“War is no new thing to Kiev. Starting with
the raids of the savages from Tartary, it has been a place of war for thousands
History as a Weapon in Russia’s War on Ukraine, – Atlantic Council
"We learn that “the Russians” suffered twenty-seven million losses before taking Berlin. Meanwhile, there is scant reference to the fact Ukraine saw far more of...
Kyiv’s Independence Square (Maidan) as seen by John Steinbeck after WW2, 1946
“We tried to read a little of the plane, and promptly went to sleep. And when we were awakened, we were over the flat...
John Steinbeck depicts Ukrainians and their difference from Russians
Different looks, heartiness “Everyone had told us it would be different once we got outside of Moscow, that the sternness and the tenseness would not...
Ukrainian Alexei Berest hoists Victory Banner over Reichstag on May 01, 1945
" On 30 April 1945, after long days of street combat in Berlin, the 150th Division attacked the Reichstag. On 1 May, at about 03:00, Berest...
John Steinbeck describes the ruins of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, St. Sophia and sarcophagus of Yaroslav...
"We went from this little plaster city, so new that it has not even been built yet, to the ancient monastery on the cliff....