During his speech in Kyiv in 1972, President Nixon named Kyiv the “City of...

"As I think of a way to describe our feelings on this occasion, I noted that in history--and this city is...

Moscow’s Lies about Kursk Tank Battle in 1943: Russia’s Humiliation at Prokhorovka

"For decades, Russians have seen no reason to doubt Soviet military historians, who portrayed the Battle of Prokhorovka on 12 July...

Ivan Kozhedub, a Ukrainian, was the highest scoring Allied and Soviet fighter pilot of...

Unfortunately, after World War II, he remained in the military and went on to command the 324th Fighter Aviation Division during...

Ukrainian-American Sgt. Michael Strank was 1 of 6 Marines who raised flag on Mt....

" Michael Strank (November 10, 1919 – March 1, 1945) was a United States Marine Corps sergeant who was killed in action...

John Steinbeck depicts Ukrainians and their difference from Russians

Different looks, heartiness “Everyone had told us it would be different once we got outside of Moscow, that the sternness and the...

Moscow myth about “great Kursk tank battle” exposed

"The battle of Prokhorovka was steeped in Soviet legend (and myth) for many decades. This remained the case until post-Soviet era...

Moscow occupied its part of Poland according to Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact under pretence of “protecting...

"The Soviet invasion of Poland was a military operation by the Soviet Union without a formal declaration of war... The Red Army, which vastly...

John Steinbeck depicts Kyiv after WW2

“War is no new thing to Kiev. Starting with the raids of the savages from Tartary, it has been a place of...

Death Match with Nazis, Three Best Players of the World, Top-10 Coach Ever –...

Dynamo Kiev is not just the best and most titled football team in the former Soviet Union or Eastern Europe - the British...

Ivan Kharchenko personally defused more than 1500 bombs weighing more than 500 kilograms each...

A Soviet Army Military engineering Colonel and Hero of the Soviet Union, Kharchenko continued his military service until retirement...

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